Removing the Veil – 1

Note to Family: Western Society has been running a detailed version of ‘Crow’ or ‘Old Crow’ – our Christmas deception of the children. We’ve been living in it as oblivious as the deceived children. The societal deception stems from philosophical planning and has been foundational to western society for thousands of years. INTRO – Many

Hi Emily

Hi Emily I CAN THINK OF A FACT THAT DOESN’T RELY ON PRIOR SENSE EXPERIENCE: IF A IMPLIES B AND B IMPLIES C, THEN A IMPLIES C. THIS IS TRUE REGARDLESS OF PHYSICAL REALITY. Very Good, thank you. I really appreciate it. Please enjoy the following discussion of this logic. It is actually quite interesting.

A New Hope – 1

UNPACKING A PROBLEM AT IT’S CAUSES ENABLES UNDERSTANDING FOR POWERFUL DELIVERANCE & REPLACING FALSE WITH TRUE LAYS A FOUNDATION FOR A FUTURE FULL OF HOPE Following is a brief foundational discussion. The foundations must be bedrock reality from the very start. There is no other primary foundation. Because of this, these notes come before others

What You Can’t Say

Filler Text Don’t you just love filler text!? Hmmm lovely filler text, thank you so muuuuch. “CONCERNING THE THOUGHTS OF MAN, … The Originall of them all, is that which we call Sense; (For there is no conception in a mans mind, which hath not at first, totally, or by parts, been begotten upon the

A New Hope

Filler Text Don’t you just love filler text!? Hmmm lovely filler text, thank you so muuuuch. “CONCERNING THE THOUGHTS OF MAN, … The Originall of them all, is that which we call Sense; (For there is no conception in a mans mind, which hath not at first, totally, or by parts, been begotten upon the